My Brother’s The Best Herring Ever:)

“A herring a day keeps the doctor away”. This could be true. So let’s be a little more serious about this nutritious fish that could be a great addition to anyone’s diet.  
I am not here to persuade you to eat herrings. With the right attitude, however, you can like this fish and have great benefits from it.

Europeans eat a lot of herring. We’re near the valuable source waters in the northern seas, and have traditions that grew around when and how we eat it. For example, Polish Wigilia / Christmas Eve can’t be done right without herring dishes. Also shots of vodka pair perfectly with marinated fish bites, so let’s have it! Yes! Fun!:)

Almost every Polish grocery or vegetable store offers many types of herring.

But seriously, there are many ways of preparing herrings. The first I’d like to share is one of my favorites, and it’s the simplest recipe. My brother Grzegorz made it for me a long time ago, and I got hooked:). It’s just that good!

To start, it’s important to choose the best kind of fish. Matjes herrings are pickled and made from young female fish which have not yet laid eggs. That’s the best kind to work with. 

Don’t forget that you need 48 hours to marinate plus prep time for it to be ready to eat.

Ingredients / 4 servings

1 lb Matjes herrings, salted or in oil without any spice
1 medium onion, diced  
1 cup water
1 cup white vinegar
½ cup sugar
Canola oil


  • Boil the water, mix in the vinegar and sugar. Let it cool.

  • Cut the herrings filets in half inch pieces.

  • Put the herring in a glass dish in one layer and pour over the cooled solution of water, vinegar and sugar. Cover and place in the fridge for 24 hours.

  • After 24 hours, strain the brine. Add chopped onion and pour canola oil over everything.

  • Cover and place in the fridge for another 24 hours.

It always tastes great with a slice of bread and butter.
Surprise your guests and serve as an appetizer along with cheese and crackers. Herring is perfect as a snack. Just writing about it makes me crave herring, especially the one in oil with onions. They’re just that delicious.

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